
Remote access work day. Testing new equipment - not too splendid success in that, but relaxed fighting against the problems. Of course you have to start somewhere.

Marvellous day again, bright and sunny. -17c in the morning. Colder weather is coming.

As I seem to have lost my warm trousers somewhere, I decided to try to find a new sport equipment for cold weather again today. Sooner than I realized, I was delighted to found trousers in some new outlet shop. Found a jacket too, but it is maybe better to use at some -5c to -10c I think. Or alteast you should move faster than I did today.

After a little walk by the sunset, one extra from the ice swimming cottage from the lake.
After the walk some playing with the bubbles. This photo captured inside of freezing bubble was my first favourite of a day!

The second is Dori the fish, added as Extra!
Some more shots of the frozen soap bubbles here...


Ps. A blip anniversary today?!?! Thank you for being around, chatting too. Lovely to have aquintances, friends like you!

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