twinned with trumpton


A quick scurry round to grab her laundry before heading into the office. 

After a shit bit of parking by a removal van on a double yellow by a removal van so he could get his bacon roll which meant I had great difficulty getting out of my street, there was further excitement on the commute in,

A mile up the road, a Golf tries to overtake me in the 20 mph zone of Lower Granton Road; I’m a full 8 yards of the back bumper of the car in front, keeping pace, doing what every one else is doing. As the inevitable oncoming traffic approaches, he edges across, squeezing me towards the kerb.
200 yards later we’re all stopped at a red.
I draw alongside. 

Politely. ‘You were close enough for me to touch there; I’d appreciate a bit more room in future.”
Him (it’s always a him): “Ah ken, ah wiz as close to the white line as ah culd git, I didnae want to hit the truck comin’ the other way’
Me: Did it cross your mind that maybe it wasn’t safe to overtake if there’s not enough room between me and the truck?2
2 second pause
“Why ur you no’ wearin’ a helmet...?”
Me: “Because it’s not the law to wear one, unlike passing cyclists too close. Anyway back to your driving...would you mind taking cyclists into consideration when driving? My partner and my kids would greatly appreciate it if I made it home in one piece”
[...window goes up...]

So began a day of head down / earphones in / write reports relentlessly.

Lunchtime me 'n' her took a loop around Calton Road / parliament / Dumbiedykes in the coolness; before battle recommenced. (Actually a strangely productive day all in all)

Then dinner at hers; she was tense and ill at ease; we finally ate around 2145 which considering dinner was largely pre made and there was no one in until 7...? And then home. Late for a school night. 

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