Life, not as we see it.


A slightly blurred Kingfisher.

Day 7 (22/02) Around Hikkaduwa, Galle.

Morning by the pool & beach. Scorcio even at 09:00.
First visit today was to a local river estuary / mangrove forest / wetlands area where we shot about for a while looking for wildlife. We saw: A Monitor lizard up a tree, 2 Kingfishers who were reluctant to be photographed, Sea Eagles far away, miscelaneous scuttling things. We also were introduced to fish treatment facility where one can have one's feet nibbled for Rs 200, a small cinnamon producing island where we bought some candles, and lastly, but not leastly, a 1200 year old Buddhist temple on an island where an aged monk read to us from 600 y.o. Pali writings, tied a bit of string rond our right wrists then asked us to complete the next line of the donations book. Ah well, it was for a good cause, his next meal and our health and vitality, he said.

On to a turtle rescue place where turtle eggs are hatched and the turtles reared before being released into the sea. Eggs are recovered immediately they are laid, before they are dug up and eaten by predators, including humans. Much more to be said, but not here.

Next was an unscheduled stop at a home-made Toddy place. This is fermented juice from the coconut flower, is mildly alcoholic, and Sue liked it. I didn't.

Lunch in a beach side restaurant comprised devilled fish curry, devilled prawn curry, and calamares curry, with all the now familiar sides. Bloody marvelous.

This area was badly hit by the boxing day Tsunami, with around 100,000 souls lost.  The extra photo is a memorial to them.
Up the road tomorrow to Colombo for our last full day in Sri Lanka.   India beckons . . .



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