
We took the girls to Walton Hall and Gardens this morning - they both took their scooters, although Violet can't scoot properly yet, so Rach had to pull her along lol!

The first port of call was the park, where they played on the swings and the slide, and then we went to the children's zoo.  It's only small, but it's really nice and they have goats, three Alpacas, two donkeys, two Shetland ponies and a variety of birds including peacocks.  The donkeys, Charlie and Lenny, have been fostered from the Donkey Sanctuary, after their previous owner had been injured and had to retire, and my blip today is of Charlie - what a lovely boy he is!

Whilst it's been a lovely, sunny day, it's been so cold and we couldn't stay out in it for long, so we went for lunch at David Lloyd, where the girls could play in the soft play.  Then this afternoon I've watched Cinderella with Scarlett while Violet had a nap, and then I took Violet out in her Bugaboo to pick up a few bits from Sainsbury's for Rachel. 

Tonight, Rachel and Scott have gone to The Grill on the Square for dinner and I'm babysitting.  Rach looked absolutely stunning, and I had hoped to get a photo of them both, but Violet woke up and started crying just as they were about to leave.  I told to them to go and said I'd see to her - I followed Rachel's instructions to pick her up out of her cot, sit in the chair in her room (in the dark) and within minutes she'd snuggled up and was fast asleep,  I put her back in her cot and I've not heard a peep since.

In other news, Chris has announced that he's left Gogglebox and is 'going it alone'.  I'm very excited for him and wish him the success he deserves, although Gogglebox won't quite be the same without him!

Anyway, I'd better get back to Nanny duties!  I'm leaving early tomorrow morning to head home, so I'll wish you all a good weekend!

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