An Alternative Tale Of Two Cities

Three years ago was my first ever blip entry in Manchester.  
Since then Berlin & Manchester feature a lot in this journal. Blip is the perfect diary, one learns much and can even end up online shopping thanks to other Blippers.Three years on &  it's the 2018AOG also Silly Saturday .Thanks to dbifulco and Admirer who make both possible. Blip's special but no need to tell you. Right now the server is having a silly moment ( and why not ) yet our great IT team are working hard to fix it. They are real Gold medal medalists. A huge thanks to them and to all. Is it any wonder you see 'my' somersault of joy which has received faffing to incorporate the official Olympic colours . Would love to say a silly AOG selfie  but I was behind the camera. and the above sculpture is not far from here..Not quite up to such ------ yet !

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