Every Picture Tells A Story

 Blip HQ tell me  today is a 4year milestone ..Seems like only yesterday I ordered an English breakfast .Ironical as now that's  gone since I'm 100% % vegan, .avian  & dereliction orientated ( this you possibly guessed ) 
Have met fascinating people in real time and via social media +email . Terrific fun. Blipping kept ,my mind off illness whilst in hospital , home after accidents .My advice is never pop pills , make a blip ..It has great side effects. With YouTube and Blip .it's quite a juggling act at times but to date am getting by . Lovely being part of such a huge community . Possibly the biggest event in the last four years is my dual nationality and this has meant much . A milestone of a different kind .
Blip is the best form of international solidarity  I've ever come  across .So far today has been great. Dereliction see wall behind me ,blue sky as the extra shows and even a cloud which looks like a birds feather .Symbolic -The yellow banner was a must use as yellow is the happy BVG colour .OK I look as if I'm in the stocks .."caught up in blip " Does it get any better ?

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