
Yesterday mid-afternoon took Angie's French roller skate car to the village garage as she had been hearing alarming noises from the general area of one of the rear wheels. The owner suspected it was the drum brakes (yet again) and said leave it, he would take a look.

This morning at 9:00 Angie said we could pick it up. He had checked it out yesterday and replaced the broken bits and pads. What great service.

So popped in to say hello to "Nero" and check up how far he has got with my potential new car that has been his "when I haven't got anything better to do" project for quite some months. The restoration of a Morgan Plus 8, last Bliped on my really big rant day of 2017.

There has been some progress, the front axle and engine now in place. I said I wanted to do the test drive on 1st April but was disappointed to hear more likely 1st May. Nero didn't, however, say which year.

Then off to the dog walk, again hiding in the same forest as yesterday. The wind has picked up considerably and was showing a windchill temperature of -17°C!

On the way, happened to see a dog in the distance and was about to call Luna who was up a side path, when I realised it was a fox. Flash was at my side but didn't seem to notice or possibly care as he has his problems walking let alone jogging. In his younger days, he was an ace fox chaser, knowing that they were the only animals he was allowed to chase on our property. Deer he simply ignored.

The fox ambled towards us more concerned with checking out the verges for mice I guess. A few minutes before I had seen a dead mole on the verge. I wonder whether they are inedible? Fox seemed to look at us but showed no concern, I videoed him and still, he ignored us. I actually then began to get concerned it may be ill and not fully "with it".

But then suddenly it jumped into the trees, I called Luna and we continued past the spot. Luna did pick up the scent but managed to keep her by my side.

The fox is only about 100m away from MrB's hunting shed and on his territory. But let me just say that MrB likes having a fox or two about, he even has a fox and badger housing estate area where we can gladly dispose of any chicken carcasses that from time to time happen.

Back home had to bring in a fresh haylage bale. The good old 1965 John Deere sprung into action faster than our cars. Amazing.

And exactly then the sun at long last appeared and I could thoroughly enjoy the wind streaming through my hair as I drove downwind at 10km/h. All went well despite the difficulty of doing a 90° turn in a confined area with the ever so long "train". No power steering and the weight of the front wheels on packed snow always trying to push the tractor in a straight line.

Finally filled up a wheelbarrow and all containers with firewood. Don't fancy going out too much in the days to come even if the sun is now so powerful that in sheltered spots, it's quite possible to strip off all the jackets and get down to T-shirt.

As can be seen from the extra photo, the sun came too late this morning to get the snow to slide off the east facing PV solar panels. Hopefully, tomorrow, as this cold sunny weather is perfect for PV generation.

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