Guppy Friend

Thanks once again to NannaK who reminded me a few days back about my concern over my drawer full of fleeces.  A recent documentary highlighted the issue of man-made fibres adding to the micro waste in the oceans via our washing machines.  Apparently, micro waste can not be picked up by sewage system filters.  NannaK drew my attention to an article about new products on the market for reducing this waste.  Obviously, these are not the ultimate answer to this particular issue, we all need to consider our consumerism more carefully but I feel some relief that this washing bag, which arrived in today's post, is a start in the right direction.  It also means I don't have to empty my fleece drawer!  Maybe in future I will look for natural alternatives.

If you are interested in the Guppy Friend, I purchased mine direct from the manufacturer - cheaper that way, certainly for UK buyers.

In other news, a couple of us Hobblers tried out the Shamrock Shuffle Fun route today to see what it entailed - a challenging uphill for 17 minutes followed by a more enjoyable long downhill back to the cricket field.  And......flakes of snow keep drifting past the window.

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