Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

High Water

You will all remember the blips a couple of months ago with the rocks showing and all that wonderful shoreline exposed. Things have changed. Mainly we have had a dose of Spring. That's the Spring that flows out of the ground with water not the Spring on your bike seat or the "Spring into it" Spring. The language is funny and no wonder folk have trouble learning it. Dog Barking is a bit the same... "Woof " may not actually mean "Woof " depending on how it's woofed. OK...Right. Believe it or not there is Dog barking for dummies book . Yep..Would I kid you? Just try Google.
What started that....Oh yes it has been raining and the lake has risen heaps to the point that The Tree has gone from High and Dry to about to get it's leaves wet. And that was the sight that met The Boss as we returned this afternoon from a Blip 300 reconnoitre (from the French 'recon it orter') "Cos the big Birthday is lurking and The Boss was panicking because one of our loyal followers (Mrs S) recon"d the 200 was a bit lack lustre so he is trying harder this time. The problem with advance planning is that you never know what may happen on the day so you have to have an A and B plan, and this is the reason we went to C (see)...Confused, yes so am I. Solution...WAIT. Heh heh heh

The Tree is looking particularly delicious as the leaves start populating so The Boss thought this treatment might be appropriate. The rain needs to stop now so we thought we would get a British weather engineer to sort that out for us.
Woof. (Go figure)

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