If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Thrushes galore!

I thought yesterday had been a red letter day for Thrushes.  I was wrong!  I looked out in the morning and the garden was alive with Fieldfares.  My best count for my BTO garden bird survey was 45 but I am sure there were more they just would not sit still for me to count!.

Among the Fieldfares was the occasional Redwing (best count 3).  As I had blipped a Fieldfare yesterday I have chosen a Redwing for today.  That wasn't the end of the Thrushes as a Mistle Thrush appeared and joined the feast.  

As long as there was light the garden was littered with Thrushes.  Once fed they were sitting on the ground, perching in the trees, squabbling etc.  Among all the Thrush activity there was an invasion of Starlings.  I couldn't count them as they moved to quickly but using the count a smallish area and multiply up system there must have been about 75 feeding on the bit of lawn under the hollies where there was no snow.

Other birds of interest:

Collard Dove
Long Tailed tits
Great Tits
Coal Tit

Basically I was glued to the window all day.

Extra is yet another Fieldfare just because I like the shot.

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