CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Where are all the golfers?

A very cold, snowy day

We braved a walk up the hill to our local golf course which is about a 3 iron shot from the house. We got there just before a blast from the east obliterated everything. Unfortunately the cookers in the kitchen are being replaced so no lunch but we did get a welcome cup of tea.

We wondered why the golfers were not out using red balls - until we stepped out to take the photo - probably about 6 inches deep snow. At least the sun chose to shine for a few minutes. By the time we got home it was whiteout time again. 

Thankful to have a nice warm house and to be safe. Feel sorry for folk being trapped for hours on the motorways - although they were warned not to go out.

I guess because it is 7 years since we had this much snow here, it isn't economical to buy the amount of equipment needed to keep the roads clear the way they do in other countries who experience this every year and for a couple of months at a time.

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