CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Cyclamen standing proud

Another, cold snowy day

Had to cancel a fortnightly coffee date with my friend because of the road conditions and we got a call from the Restaurant where we had booked a meal for tonight to say that they were going to be closed because of the weather. Oh well, keeping cosy is no problem.

I have been fascinated for a few days with this cyclamen on our kitchen window ledge, with its background of thick snow. Funnily enough, when it was in our lounge it almost died, probably because of the heat from a nearby radiator but it started to thrive again in the kitchen. It does show the amazing effect of glass - letting us see out but at the same time its few millimetres of thickness keeps the freezing cold out. 

Some things we really take for granted but today I am thankful for glass.

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