Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Hungry Robin

Today's snow that was forecast never arrived, we've just had 32 miles per hour winds, and I went out to feed the birds this morning and my fingers nearly dropped off, it was so cold!

I went swimming this morning and was surprised to see people in the outdoor pool!  The steam was rising off the water, but I didn't fancy going out there, and it was funny watching a couple of people go outside, and steam was literally rising off their bodies!  I swam half a mile (32 lengths) and then had a jacuzzi and finished off in the sauna which was lovely and warm.

On my way home I stopped off at Falmer pond which was frozen solid, and I parked up near the water's edge and when I opened my car door there was a seagull lay dead on the grass.  It looked so perfect and peaceful, I don't know what had happened to it, although it had a bit of blood on it's back - poor thing!  I spotted this little robin foraging for food, and hoped it would hop into the thicker snow as that would have made the perfect shot, but it didn't and the closer I got the further it hopped away.  I had my new lens on, and even fully zoomed, I was just too far away, so I've had to crop this image a fair bit.

After getting ready for work, I went to meet Chris who's one of the ladies on the Brighton Skies page that I'm on, and had a hot chocolate and a natter before heading to word.  Work was extremely busy, which was good, but tonight I'm really tired.  

It's still not snowing but it's so cold, the heating is struggling to reach the desired temperature, so I think it'll be an early night!

In other news, I received a message from our local newspaper asking if they can publish a couple of my photos in tomorrow's issue, of the sheep in the snow, so I must go and get a copy in the morning.

Anyway, I'll say good night - hope the weather's not too bad where you are!

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