New 3rd ager

By 1pTrader


Walked to the office from Russel Square where photo was taken, the snow in London wasn't as bad as I had expected. Although the pavements were tretorous.
The last duscussion dinner this evening for me as part of the organising team - brilliant events and something I have been lucky to play a small part of. The afternoon was spent responding to the cancellations etc and constant changes to seating plans, but we were still about 60 which given the conditions was good.
The boss was picked up by tractor this morning as home is cut off and the freezing conditions are making life hard for E&M. M was out at till 2.30am trying to make sure fresh water was getting through in the freezing conditions.
Need to set up an event tomorrow morning...then work out how to get home -currently no trains or roads operating.

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