PT Buddies Luncheon.....

Three years ago, Diana, Becky and myself all had total knee replacements within a few months of each other at the Orthopedic Institute.  Each of us had difficult surgeries, with complications and very long rehad's at Physical Therapy.  Over the course of 6-8 months we became good friends, supporting each other through a difficult time, making the experience positive, going to lunch once a week before therapy.  The husbands became friends, going out and doing errands while the girls worked out.
   We ech dropped out of rehab at different intervals but we had made up our minds that we like each other and wanted to stay friends.  A year later I had to have a reconstructive knee surgery and ended up back in therapy, again.  My friends were there, we went to lunch, and to this day, we still get together and celebrate friendships, love, and support.

The PT Buddies Luncheon, this month,  was at Diana and Roberts home today.  Diana had crosants and chicken salad, turkey salad, carrot salad,  egg salad, pimento spread and iced tea.  Johnny and Becky brought potato salad and a wonderful Butter pecan bundt cake.  I brought a fruit salad with watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew mellon, strawberries, blueberries, red grapes, and pineapple.  
We had a wonderful time playing with their blond dogs, called Chinook's.  They were friendly and happy, having a great deal of trouble  deciding who to go to for rubs, scratches and butt massages.  The dogs played in their pool, dug in their holes, made the rounds and thourghly made us feel welcome and at home.  It's amazing how the conversation is always good, there is always love and pleasure and camaraderie.  
     Sometimes, the worst of circumstances can provide the best of nuggets in life.  My 2 PT Buddies are wonderful nuggets of life and friendship.

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