Mary's lusangazi Groups

Mary supports two groups in Lusangazi. One is homebased care for HIV/AIDS sufferers and the other is a Gogos/grannies club, but a few brave men come as well.
The first is a sensitive and and personal relationship, where she joins a few dots, working with the Mzuzu clinic, who regularly come here to help since we built a health post here. We assist them with transport out to this rural setting and whatever medicines we can rustle up in Ireland. They then look after our people. Of course Mary is advocate with St John of God if there are issues of counselling or mental health and also grabs any passing specialist who might be able to lend a hand. She has a diary with the contacts of anyone she has met in Malawi and, as I say, joins the dots.
The second group are grannies, generally who after rearing their own family, now find themselves rearing grandchildren, generally without any support. The dots are joined again with support from all the contacts we support and needs are met in a million ways.
Between the two groups she worked with 69 people this evening. What a clinic, what attention, better than any medicine to know that someone cares.

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