Needs must

And when you only have a phone, a phone will have to do.  So this is a blood lily just poking its nose through the hard dry ground - well before we see its gigantic leaves unfurl.  Also known as Elephant's Ears I believe.

My life, dear reader, is generally lived at a frenetic pace.  

This weekend, I am surpassing 'frenetic" and going into overdrive.  This morning I was at OGH getting ready for tomorrow's AGM.  Where I shall be voted in as Secretary.  I do believe in the Little People, and there are fairies at the bottom of my garden, but I am reasonably certain there will be no other volunteers for my role.

Then this afternoon, I belted back into the Park where we held our regular monthly meeting for Friends of Belair. Of course, if you have even the merest passing interest in this journal, you will probably realise that I am Secretary of that mob as well.

Oh, I am a fool.  And as my brother said to me - you just can't help yourself, can you!  

He's right, I can't.

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