
The weather seemed a little less cold today, or maybe the biting wind had mellowed a little.  I noticed first when I went out to feed and change the water for the birds.  The water was still frozen but didn't require a hammer to break it up.

Ann went to work at the Blue Cross shop which had reopened today and I pottered.  Later I walked in, although the main road was clear ours is still a bit iffy, to meet her out and we went to Nero for a drink.

After we took a walk down Bridge Street to Waterside and the canal basin.  This was frozen, arctic icebreakers not being able to get through the lock, so I took some photos.

Later, back home, we spotted a bird hiding at the back of the garden.  It was all fluffed up and I had the impression it was a juvenile.  We looked in the bird book and wondered if it was a Fieldfare, maybe one of the amateur ornithologists in blipland could confirm or correct.  It took a long lens and double telephoto to take the photos, so definition is not great.  I've added them to the extras.

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