Snow dog

We had a another covering of snow again last night, enough to cover the car over and to fill in the footsteps but the wind has dropped and the temperature has risen. Bailey and I walked the block once we were up - not that we rushed at that today. I took pity on the birds and put some food out for them whilst Bailey supervised and looked a little pensive - his usual expression when the camera appears. 

I needed to be more productive than yesterday so a few Saturday jobs and then some more Y11 exam marking done before a late lunch. Bailey had an appointment at the groomers at two so we walked through compacted snow on the best bits and slush on the worst. Four journeys for me clocking up over 17 000 steps; Bailey only had to do the two and was distinctly more sprightly than me on the way home. 

I finished my marking once we got back and Bailey snoozed. And tonight I have caught up on Shetland and Bailey has snored beside me. Being pampered takes it out of him. 

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