
Still no milk at the Scotmid - just some cartons of milk blended with buttermilk. Yeuch. But at least I got the papers. Honestly, in a few centuries this account of the ‘big snaw’ of 2018 will rival Pepys account of the great fire. He had more interesting stuff to report mind, like the Dutch sailing up the Thames and getting a kidney stone out without anaesthetic. Yeuch again.
So, no Dutch in this harbour, though the work party were out retrieving pontoon floats from whence they had been tossed in the storms.
Later, out to see Lady Bird; it may have been set in 2002 but teenagers were just as daft in our day. Callow, in fact. Though that word would have sent me scrabbling for a dictionary. But the parents were the stars. What time does to dreams. Beautiful and melancholy and, yes, entertaining too.

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