
...the house and the cabin fever a few times today, with a walk this morning, then lunch time and then we managed to get that old Weim out this evening. Lunch time walk was a recce if our usual dog walk to see what the terrain was like.

Out first thing this morning with this fella. Gosh it was good to breath some fresh air..felt like I’d been indoors for ever. Good for him too...running through the deep snow, burning off some energy.

Yes...yet another snow day with still no trains running and no schools opened. We have bread now though:-). Not much evidence of panic buying when we have been in shops but certainly if you go in later on in the day stocks are fairly depleted. I’m trying not to look like I am panic buying just buying bread and eggs to satisfy growing!

Grateful to get out of the house today and go for a trek through the snow.

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