
By TBay

The Gate.

Although this gate is on our boundary it is the responsibility of the local drainage board to keep it in good repair. Hmmmmm! Anyway to be honest it doesn’t matter as we have no right of way though it as it leads to our neighbours land. However I do feel maybe some attention is needed. Must mention this to Mr Tbay.

Farming - Two on compost. A better day for the boys today. Yesterday was dogged with problems so they were really late home having achieved not a lot!

I managed to finish my monthly book work duties. Mr Tbay did battle with our insurance company the NFU. It costs a great deal so every pound off is important. I would say that he negotiated well and has saved some this year.

Glad to report that after Mrs Tbay Jnr washed Lottle Misses hair with fairy liquid the Vaseline situation is much improved!!

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