Gitama's World

By Gitama

Romeo.... Flynn Fursday#1

I saw our little kitten rolling on the concrete.... I managed to get a good photo Flynn

He was very excited and reminded me this morning about Flynn Fursday.........he knew in advance that he wanted to take a pic of the cat...... Hahahahaha..... he got to see how difficult it was ......(however he did an excellent  job... I just need to delete over 100 pics from my phone now) .

I was too pooped to help him much and closed my eyes and ears as he ran around with my iPhone ..... thank goodness his Mum came to the rescue. He was a bit disappointed that he didn’t get to play with the filters but we decided it was such a good shot it didn’t warrant them.

I took the scenic route through the mountains to get to Ma and Pa’s today... just lovely.

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