Crazy About Birds

By Kimb


As is often my habit of a Thursday, I took a few random shots with my iPhone in hopes that one of them might align itself with the Abstract Thursday theme. The first one I took this morning was of a stack of thank you cards with a close-up photo of a table with glasses of wine on it. The thank you card photo was a publicity photo - one of many - for a production of the show "Top Girls" (the link is to a different production - in Sydney! but has some good photos) which was performed at Live Arts last month. I had signed all the cards (the Live Arts staff sends the thank you cards to everyone who worked on the show) and was ready to pass them on to another staff member, but I had them standing up like nested tents, so I spread them apart a bit and took a photo of them that way.

Got home and went online to discover what the theme for today is and found it to be "warming" or maybe "warmth." Well! A toast, then! A warming glass of spirits! Cheers!

Then I just did the most minimal fartnarkle and here it is. The extra is the original photo SOC.

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