
Quick emergency blip today and the camera was flashing telling me the battery is about to run out...sums up a few things, time is flying at the mo.

This shows what life 'may' look like after I finish my studies...hmmm doesn't look like loads of fun and relaxation does it???.....I think I need a card that has a picture of me lying on a beach(haven't done that in over 10 years).

This is the Golden Tarot by Kat Black. Beautiful cards using collages from medieval paintings, each card looks like it is a whole painting but in reality it is made up of 4 or 5 paintings and it is just about still in print. The accompanying LWB is actually quite thick and tracks all of the pieces of painting per card, artist, date of painting and where in the world you need to travel to in order to see it. Quite a bit of Italian art here. This is my bag I could lose myself in the images. Even if you don't agree with tarot this is worth getting just to look at all the lovely pictures :-)

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