
By Wildwood

A Friendly Visit.

It rained again in the night. The grape growers are working night and day to harvest the grapes and get them crushed before mold sets in. After two bad years, 2012 is looking like a great year and the roads are full of trucks loaded with grapes. By next weekend they should all be picked.

The friendly fellow above lives just across the road from our bedroom window. He never makes a sound but the owners have a border collie who comes out and barks non-stop and tries to herd him around his enclosure until we feel rather sorry for him. Doesn't seem to have harmed his amiable personality.

I have lost track of how many appointments we have had in the last week, all I can say is that most of them have been changed at least once. I have signed my name to hundreds of pieces of paper and have virtually no idea what I have put my name to. Today after signing more papers in the broker's office, we visited the house to meet the inspectors, contractors and realtors and sign another pile of papers and hand over more money.

The contractor who did many of the renovations was there and Oilman was beside himself to be able to learn the layout of the pipes, wiring and lighting. All of a sudden I realized that I couldn't take any more on board, so I left rather precipitously as the pest inspector was giving his report to the otherwise rapt audience. I picked up Ozzie, who had been hanging out out with Rudy, his little tawny buddy at #1 Daughter's, and we put it on autopilot and drove back to Berkeley. Oilman is staying in Sebastopol for one more night--no doubt making scale drawings of every room.

I will catch up with my comments as soon as I catch up on my sleep.

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