At last - a bearded reedling!

Despite living close to the fens and not too far from the reedbeds of the east coast, bearded reedlings have always eluded me. I've been to sites where they've been spotted within the last five minutes and failed to see them. I've even sat in a hide at Minsmere where everyone else spotted one and I couldn't see it. I was beginning to think that I'd never see this iconic species that lives on my proverbial doorstep.

But today that all changed! Over the Mother's Day weekend a snowy owl dropped in to the Norfolk coast, and Chris and I thought we might like to see it. Because of other commitments we couldn't go until today. This morning Chris checked all the latest news and it soon became apparent that the snowy owl had long gone. However, we decided to go to Norfolk anyway, and were rewarded with wonderful sightings of a flock of bearded tits, busy feeding in the reed beds along the main path at Titchwell. 

They're remarkably difficult to photograph, as they never stay still and spend most of their time among the reeds, where it's impossible to get a clear view. I also realised I could really do with a longer lens. This evening I've discarded many, many shots, but this one captures the essence of the bird - which certainly lived up to my expectations. Best Mother's Day out ever!

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