Window on my wren

We have a Carolina Wren couple who entertain us on the back step each day. This is the female, her songster husband was flitting about as well. I love her tongue.

We made it through the storm with no damage, and no loss of power. I'm done now, three storms in a row are enough. Luckily, the deep snowfall from yesterday is melting fast in the March sun. The air is full of snow falling from branches and spring sounding birdsongs. 

It was gorgeous this morning, I had to venture out to my routine, yearly skin check at my Dermatologist. The roads were mostly fine, the visit short with two things on my hand( one an age spot) and another on my face frozen off with liquid nitrogen. The one of the face will be lovely by tomorrow's Garden Club meeting I'm sure. I love Dr. Tang, he's in his early 70s and absolutely charming. He said as he was finishing up, "I'll see you next year, I love that you I'm able to grow old with you."

We have long standing tickets tonight for a talk given by Pete Souza, President Obama's official photographer, at the Edward M. Kennedy Insitute.. We'll see how T feels by late afternoon, she's working from home today and is less congested finally. I hope we can go. My back is workable, I see my chiropractor on Friday. Monday is my second cataract operation at Mass Eye and Ear in Boston. I'm really hoping my back is even better before then.

I was buying birdseed at a local shop this morning and posted on the whiteboard they have with rare bird sightings and info was posted something that warmed my heart. Our Ruby Throated Hummingbirds have been sighted in Florida on their northward migration. We should see them here in early May.

For the Record, 
This day came in white with heavy snow coating everything.

All hands proud of the students marching against gun violence today.

Extras, snowy upstairs window views this morning. The car had been cleaned off at 6:30 last night, but needed more work this morning.

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