Candle Meditation

I love this meditation - so calming. 
The candle is actually put a metre away from me and I listen to what I think is an Australian man talk about infinite love, infinite joy and infinite peace. If I close my eyes and focus in-front of the candle a little, I can create beams of golden light coming towards me - feels truly magical. After looking intently at the candle I then close my eyes and imagine it in my heart, coursing through my body, illuminating and energising my body. Of course having looked for so long at the candle I can still see the flames image  on my retina - again very magical!
I spent ages afterwards trying to work out how to get my camera on delayed shutter release and how to hold perfectly still as the camera rested on my chest and my hands cupped the candle resting on my stomach!
I'm still feeling a little out of kilter from my episode on Saturday, so I never made it to the allotment. Bit of a shame as it was a gloriously sunny day and rain and cold temperatures are coming in over the next few days. I kept thinking I would make it until 4 O'clock when I finally accepted I was not going! I should have just made this decision at the beginning of the day and not stressed myself! I'm still learning how to be calm and still!

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