"Why? Because I'm a Dancer!"

I borrowed the title from an old Saturday Night Live skit. John Belushi is visiting a cemetery filled with all of his cast-mates, and he asks..."Why did I outlive them all?' Then...he answers his own question. "Why? Because I'm a dancer!"

Ironically, in real life, he passed away quite young. John was 33 years old, and couldn't stay away from drugs.

I put two other "dancers" in the Extras.
2. A Fish Flip Back to the Gulf. (The fisherman was obviously a novice. He had trouble getting the hook out, and when he started to take the fish back to the water...he dropped it.) (The fish was fine, and VERY appreciative.)

We just got back from playing old people euchre (a card game). Out of 24 people, I took second place. For my 50 cent entry fee, I won 3 dollars. WOO-HOO! My daughter Julie won 85 cents, and Lisa got back a quarter.

In addition to my two Extras, I put an unlucky 13 more pictures on my Flickr page. Horses in the water, 2 more of the blue heron dancer, and a little showy Snowy.

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