
By Alberta

Definitely not a church today ...

I was feeling off colour again.. whatever bug it is that I have seems to have its ups and downs. So it was either to bed for a rest (which I probably 'should' have done but just find that a waste of a day) or go in search of colour and some fresh air. The latter won out and I strolled into Burnham Beeches .. which is one of the oldest Beech woods in the country .. it was grey and dull but I wandered down some of the many lanes .. the trees are magnificent . I suspect that the leaves won't be on the trees much longer... so I found my colour again at least on the outside..

I was struck by how everyone greeted everyone else (bit like being back in France) .. one lady said "Is that your dog that is running around with the bell on its collar?" "No not my dog" I replied. "So where is your dog" she replied .. "I haven't got a dog .. just a camera" I replied. She looked puzzled .. she was obviously not a blipper!!

Thank you all for sending my 'not a church' yesterday into the spotlight ... I am learning so much from you all .. from your comments and the strategies you use with your blips.. I know so much more than I did when I started and more than anything your encouragement inspires me to keep blipping and to keep learning..And you all so generously answer all my questions. I love it and most of all I love your company...

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