In My Life...

By steeble

The Fallen

Back-blipped yesterday if you want to take a look?

Like most men... I hate going to the doctors. They're a bit crap. They never look for the cause of the problem and just treat what they can see. So I usually just wait until a problem goes. But I've not been feeling well for a month or so so I had to make that dreaded call.

Went down this afternoon... It must of been ages since I've been as its an entirely different building with a new layout and car park. Even has a new doctor who I seen today, she's loads better than the one I've seen previously. Listens, asks questions and comes across like she's actually bothered. Gotta go back for tests and to drain my body of all it's blood on Monday. Urgh!

Anyway... This was taken in the car park. Just loads of wet autumn leaves that had fallen but lovely colours. Did anyone used to watch art attack? ...after taking this picture and leaving I thought I could of done a massive pumpkin from these

Hope you like... Again not one of the best blips but the thought of going out with the camera in the rain is not too appealing tonight, and this blip has more colour in than most this past week. :-)

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