
By TonyG


Earlier in the week I prepared some of my plants for the local show.  Today they all had to be un-prepared and returned to their usual places.  I took a few pictures of the best of them, including this unusual narcissus which I raised from seed sown the year Jamie was born.  Over the years the original four have slowly increased and now they make a nice potful.

Busy today.  The afternoon was spent mounting a board on Jamie's bedroom wall on which we attached some special hangers for his three ukeleles.  While I'm at home in the kitchen, I'm less comfortable doing DIY.  Drilling holes in the walls is well outside my comfort zone!  I needed some filler to help the plugs adhere in the oversized holes but by tea time the job was done .... and very nice it all looks too.

Tonight after a nice meal cooked by Jacinta, I'm beginning to prepare for a trip to Wales.  Also watching the weather which may complicate our plans :-/

Preparation Philosophy for Friday from Howard Ruff.

It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark

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