Pictorial blethers

By blethers

City Centre

As thronged as yesterday's Blip was sparse, this is Buchanan Street in Glasgow at midday today. It encapsulated the madness that is Glasgow - the essence that makes it feel so different from Edinburgh even at its busiest. There is a protest march crossing in front of us, perhaps heading to George Square for a rally. We didn't find out who had organised it (I took too long taking the photo) but they were protesting about pensions and their voices were young. People stand watching; the event is heavily policed but there is no trouble. They pass, and Buchanan Street reverts to normal.

Further down the street there is a Catalan flag tied to a light standard; a solitary man wanders, occasionally talking to passers-by - he is apparently attached to the flag. And there are buskers: two young singers, a boy and a girl, with a backing-track. They sing well, their pitch perfect, their voices true. When we pass later their place has been taken by someone much more raucous, and his singing is echoed by a man who is sitting in a sleeping bag yelling cheerfully at someone. 

It is bitterly cold and starting to rain, though here in the city we are not really aware of the biting east wind that has taken off one of our ferries and reduced the frequency of the others. Cities are not like the coast. We spend quite a lot of money on more-or-less essential items including a summer duvet. 

Summer must come some day ...

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