Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Man at work

We've been having problems with our radio tuner recently - the signal, normally reliable and good to listen to - had begun fading, cutting out altogether. Listening to music on a small digital radio just wasn't the same. But yesterday Mr PB fiddled slightly with the aerial and decided it was the culprit, so today's photo is of the bits and pieces as he stripped the end of what seems to be called the co-axial cable and took it back to what he hoped was a sounder (sorry!) bit. 

To do this he needed a small work table, so I donated the old lab stool on which I used to perch when I was teaching (good for posture, slightly higher than the pupils' seats) and which I took with me on the day I retired. I walked out of the school with one of my pupils following me carrying it aloft to my car - he insisted it was a suitable send-off rather than a more hugger-mugger approach.

You can tell from all this bumbling that it was a horrid day of wind and rain and supermarket shopping. Not much photography joy in that. But at least the radio's working ...

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