
By schorschi

Full steam ahead

If only Scotland had 30°C all year around, it could in the future offer a wonderful alternative holiday for all those English who want to have a holiday in the EU but can't face the thought of those evil Gendarmes with their loaned German Shepherds poking around in the car boot looking for contraband.

A Scottish Border Control guard in a kilt and only a dagger in his socks and a Border Collie by his side is far less intimidating.

PS I am posting this nearly 30 years after the event. I am not sure exactly the location of the beach alongside the Maillag - Fort William railway line. The Jacobite in the background heading towards Fort William. It seems to be pulling the coaches in reverse, another good reason for all Brexiteers to enjoy the trip.

Can'r resist this old one:
Which country had the fastest battle tank in WWII?
The Italians - theirs had one forward and six reverse gears.

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