Skip's Blips

By Skip

Busy, busy day

Up early and off to the church to help prepare a funeral lunch for one of our families. Plating cookies, making punch, slicing ham, setting tables---all this and more filled the hours before the lunch. After serving the meal, we washed up, cleaned the kitchen, and wrapped leftover food to send home with the family, finishing up just in time to set up the same space for our evening Alpha session that took up the remainder of the day. Arrived home 12 hours after I left with just enough energy to fall into bed, so I am actually backblipping this entry after resting for all of Tuesday.

This picture shows Marty, one of our kitchen crew. The women cringed when I got out my camera, and I almost expected some kitchen utensils to be hurled in my direction, but I knew this would be my only chance of getting a blip for today. Marty, a fellow photographer, was willing to give me a smile, although I'm not sure the thoughts running through her head were repeatable.

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