
Having spent the last three days of icy Siberian chill without a functioning boiler, huddled round a convector heater, we had hopes that the replacement parts would be available this morning and warmth would be restored to the Dower House.

Being of a somewhat pessimistic nature, (or possibly more pragmatic), I was not as upbeat about the outcome as was His Lordship, and so when the inevitable phone call came to say one essential part still had to be sourced, I was more able to cope with the news that we would have several more days of deep freeze conditions.

Having retrieved the toys thrown out of his pram, it will be service as usual for the rest of the afternoon-hot spicy squash and apple soup for lunch to heat him up in readiness for his gym guaranteed to lift his spirits and an evening of togetherness in front of the tele with hot water bottle and blanket. Cosy,eh? I might add an extra dose of Bailey’s or a large G&T to complement the hygge.

the blip is my morning restorer of happiness, a coffee and the crossword.

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