Loch Lomond in March

Beautiful day (though still Baltic), so Minty and I headed down to the loch for our favourite walk. It was heartening to see solid blue sky after so many grey days recently. The blip is just one of umpteen I took during our walk.

In Buchanan Smithy I stopped to pick up two young hitch-hikers*, forgetting that I had so much 'junk' on the back seat, so the parcel shelf, a walking pole, a golfing umbrella and a hessian carrier bag full of plastic bags were hastily dumped on top of poor Minty in his place in the boot! He didn't object, bless him.

*The girls were on holiday from the Czech Republic and were spending their final day in Scotland by walking from Balmaha back to Drymen. What a gorgeous day they had for it. They had missed the bus that would have taken them to the start of their walk, hence the hitch-hike.

Stop Press! Just hearing on the news about amazing stem cell treatment for Macular Degeneration, which gives hope to all of us who are losing our sight...

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