Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

#19 on the 19th

Not the most interesting photo, but one could argue that sparrows aren't always the most interesting of birds.  This is the first Song Sparrow I've seen in the yard this year, however, so it was destined to be today's blip as my 19th Yard Bird to be posted for 2018.  Song sparrows are year-round birds in this area, but I rarely see them in our yard.  It was pure luck that I spotted this one, as it hopped around under one of the cherry trees, foraging for spilled seeds.  Ten minutes later, it was gone.  

When I went out this morning, there were signs of spring everywhere, in spite of the lingering snow.  The Cardinals have started singing as have the juncos, titmice and blackbirds.  The mourning doves are traveling in pairs now with females being zealously guarded by males.  More and more of my tiny iris' are blooming and little bits of green are peeking out wherever the snow has melted.  And in just a little more than a month, the hummingbirds will return for the summer. very favorite time of year.

I mistakenly showed up a week early for my bi-annual teeth cleaning this morning; happily, they were able to fit me in.  Unhappily, I have to return tomorrow to having a filling replaced.  Should be quick as there are no signs of additional decay - just the old silver filling is starting to form a crack.

I got almost all of the details nailed down for our upcoming cruise.  Must say, I'm rather excited about it.  I'm looking into land excursions now for the various ports, with an eye towards areas where we can see wildlife.  

Don't forget to tag your "tiny" Tiny Tuesday entries with #tt147 this week, so I can find them all.  


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