Black And White March: #19

The Perils Of Private Bombur: Episode #3

Sergeant Cragg (front left): 'Private Bombur, you have been in the Imperial army's Stormtrooper core for  almost four years now and you still haven't lost any weight. I don't know how you keep managing to escape confinement to barracks for a McDonalds'.

Trooper Diaz (back left): 'He bribes the guards with Big Macs and milkshakes sir'.

Private Bombur (standing behind Cragg): 'Thanks for spoiling it Diaz. Sergeant Cragg, could I be excused from this route march - I keep sinking into the snow'.

Sergeant Cragg: 'You will complete this march even if it takes you all week. Plus, I will make sure that Death Troopers take over guard duties at the barracks. Your visits to McDonalds are over'.

Private Bombur (whispering to himself): 'Good thing I know the Death Troopers love Creme egg McFlurrys'.

Sergeant Cragg: 'And where the Hoth did you get that chicken leg from'?

Private Bombur: 'On our last rest break I nipped to KFC. It's finger lickin' good'.

Sergeant Cragg: I am going to make a trooper out of you, even if I have to turn your life into a living hell'.

To see how Bombur came to be in the Imperial army, click here.

To see the first Perils Of Private Bombur, click here.

To see Private Bombur in basic training, click here.

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