Speeding Along

Must admit, this is going to be a reflective week ... Thinking about a lot of stuff, and have got a lot on, which makes you think about even more unrelated stuff.

I have been thinking for a while, and events this week have reinforced it, that we spend a great deal of time speeding along, focussed possibly on no particular goal, and we forget why we are making that journey. Then we repeat it again. We go to work, go home, sleep, go back to work, go home etc ... So we spend all our time in the journey, but not really going anywhere or achieving anything. We feel dissatisfied, but we don't know why.

The inertia of modern life is hard to break, not because of any physical challenge, but because of our predefined ideas and expectations. Change itself is a daunting and possibly scary prospect.

Naively I thought that this year was going to be different, but it's not looking like it so far, simply because I haven't made any changes.

I need to, I just need some time to make them, but I am too busy speeding along ...

BTW, an interesting post on NY Times several days ago about the photography of Bush.

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