This stone lion stands on a column in the little park along the harbour.
It is a tribute for Landgraf Karl who founded Karlshafen and build houses for the religious refugees who fled from France and Italy.
Of course I see this scene often, and I like the way the bare branches of the trees surround the statue.
Today not at all nice weather, I only did one little job in the garden. Mischa phoned us and we talked for a long time. Next week we will meet again. Her cat is doing better every day and we love to hear that.
In the afternoon we drove to Herstelle. Walked along the river Weser, but the donkey were not outside, we climbed the hill and visited the Abbey shop. Then back home again.
Wonderful response to the wild ponies. Thank you all very much.
I will start commenting right now, but I am not sure if I can finish it, I'll do my best.

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