Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Is Spring Nearly Here? - Flower Friday

Yesterday, I found the florist section of my local supermarket full of glorious signs of spring! Resisting this charming Easter-style basket of coloured primroses and miniature daffodils yet to come, was impossible!
I waited for the good lighting to appear and here we are. I wasn't sure about the pink hay-like addition at the base of the flowers, but then it made them look snug until our outside wind dies down! I shall probably remove it in the next couple of days!

The extra photo, as promised, from yesterday's diagonal abstract. Those who were talking about blue sky were correct! I took the abstract shot from higher up my blinds to capture a corner of blue. I also held my camera to create diagonal lines crossing  and they were the slits in the roll down blinds and the folds in the curtains, which you can see here!

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