Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Dragon sighting?

Not the best photo but had to blip this Sea Lion we saw in Montague Harbor this morning on our way in to the ferry about 8:20.  They do live on an island to the south but are seldom seen near us.   Early for me with a camera..  Edit: they do swim with one flipper out of the water in order to thermoregulate..the flipper in the sun warms the blood which then circulates thought the seal..
Yep we are back in Seattle but couldn’t get here for the impressive March for gun control today, all over the world, so heartening to see young people ready to fight…and they will be voters soon.….there will be more marches, but how to get the idiot in the white house to pay attention. 

On the way we decided to stop in Bellingham to see a fine basket show at the Whatcom County Lightcatcher Museum… from traditional to way out contemporary… My favorite in the extra —sticks painted and screwed together… Humm.. I have lots of little driftwood collected……

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