Flowers In Your Hair

By bethanyanne

Instead of doing homework this evening, Kaitlyn and I decided to go on a little adventure.

I like when it's difficult for me to choose which photo to blip. It means that I've got plenty shots that I'm happy with. Still getting used to that feeling!

I had a midterm today over the Constitution. I was so afraid that I was going to bomb it because I didn't study enough or memorize all of the clauses, but I think I actually did pretty well. I've been killing it in school lately. Feeling really good.

Jesse and Becca visit tomorrow on their way up to camp! That's three weekends in a row I get to see Jesse, which is rare since he lives three hours away. I'm still bummed that I have to stay home from the retreat-- wish I could be going with them-- but I know that the responsible thing to do is stay here and work on my papers, projects, volunteer hours for class, case studies, and study for my next midterm. Responsibility isn't fun, but it feels great to reap the rewards.

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