Sunday morning yoga.....

I taught again this morning - 4th yoga class in 2 weeks, 9th fitness class in 2 weeks - while working full time. I had over 50 in the class @ all levels. It was fun, i really enjoy teaching this class. I take a quick peek ay my various yoga books for inspiration and todays was Sage Rowntree's amazing book. My sweetie comes & participates then i treat him to breakfast. Today was a beautiful vegan tofu sunrise scramble and avacado toast. It was a very relaxing and rejeuvenating day with lovely blue skies & sunshine. I did slip off to the pool for my 45 minute weekly swim. As i missed last week due to our velodrome cycling training i really needed and loved this. It works all those kinks we develop during the busy week. We will rewatch the incredible Shape of Water tonight.

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