
On my back from town today I spent some time along the way...stopping off here and there to take pics.
This guy lives in a paddock with a tiny brown and white that I have had my eye on to blip for a while.
This Beastie got a bit jealous as I was taking pics of the little guy and pushed his way in ...bit the little guy on the bum and decided that my good blouse looked rather tasty and in a very bolshi way nearly ripped it off.

We spent some time together him and I...I managed to save my good top ...just ...scratched his head ...stroked his soft muzzle and had a chat...then he started to chew the wooden posts...what a character...I am going to have to go back to see him with a carrot...I hope the folk that own him wont mind...I might have to go and ask...he was the most interesting of everyone I met all day.

“He moved like a dancer, which is not surprising; a horse is a beautiful animal, but it is perhaps most remarkable because it moves as if it always hears music.”
- Mark Helprin

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