Everyone Needs a Sunbeam!

Dear Diary,

Our temperatures may remain cold but the sun is definitely warming up. Rudy the Red took full advantage by taking a nap in the sun! He laid there for quite some time just soaking up the warm rays, “sun beaming” as Emerson would say! It was so darn cute. He had a hard time keeping his eyes open.

Well, a miraculous thing happened yesterday afternoon. The long lost laptop arrived! I happened to see a FedEx truck in the driveway and hurried out. It was true! They had found it! Of course, my joy turned to heavy sighs when I discovered after plugging it in that they had to replace the hard drive and the computer was completely devoid of anything, including Windows! So off I went to Staples with the external hard drive that has all the original data so they could re-install everything. I pick it up this morning and then the printing will begin!

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