Abstract Thursday : : Capricious

CAPRICIOUS: Given to sudden unexpected changes in mood or behavior

Given the fact that one week ago it was cold and rainy, today's 85 degree tee shirt and sandal weather could certainly be considered a bit capricious, but what it has produced is a whole crop of new leaves in what  Scribbler calls "heartbreak green" on the oak trees. The leaves are still small enough that the structure of the branches is revealed, while the  the early morning sun highlights the lace lichen hanging in ribbons from its branches. I supposed that spring is relatively predictable, but the ways in which it reveals itself and when it decides to do so definitely seem capricious.

We made our weekly trek to our Pilates trainer in Windsor and noticed that many, many burned trees have been cut from the lots in Fountaingrove. Although the lots have been cleared, they are much more visible in the scarred landscape without their cover of trees. There are many for sale signs on the lots of people who are too old or too tired or too fed up with bureaucratic hassles to rebuild. I imagine they will be quickly snapped up by developers who would probably be willing to pay some share of the cost to replace all the melted water pipes....

I have to visit my internist tomorrow. Our medical system has undergone so many changes that I'm not even sure why she want to see me but I am preparing my argument for why it is futile for me to go there to have my blood pressure measured. I don't think she's going to go for my "everyone is different" argument as to why I shouldn't have to take blood pressure medications that don't seem to work....it probably  won't have any effect to say that the very act of taking my blood pressure (even if I take it myself) is enough to elevate it, but I'll give that a try too. One thing I have learned is that I am a grown up and I don't have to do what she says....

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